Accessing the ADF Dashboard
The ADF Dashboard, or Web User Interface (WUI), allows control of the entire system via a web browser. By connecting your computer to the ADF system via Ethernet or a wireless adapter, you can access the ADF Dashboard using any standards-compliant modern web browser (like Internet Explorer, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari). The ADF Dashboard is provided by a built-in web server and is available with all ADF Products.
Using the ADF Dashboard to configure your ADF systems
Each ADF system can be configured either via the module’s HMI directly or via the ADF Dashboard. When using the ADF Dashboard, no extra software or tools are needed to commission and configure the ADF. The easy-to-use interface enables quick and efficient commissioning of the ADF system, and provides a more advanced overview with customizable options than when using the HMI.
Monitoring power quality performance through the ADF Dashboard
In the ADF Dashboard, you can instantly view:
The power quality levels of your system
Your system status
The overall performance of the system
Power quality data
Phase order
Power levels
FFT bar charts
System configuration
Compensation configuration
Trigger events and warnings
Remote support for your system
The ADF Dashboard leverages the remote support capabilities in several ways. Remote support options:
Option 1: Comsys Support can connect to the system via VPN or remote desktop
Option 2: Log/trend files may be downloaded and sent to service/support
It is very easy with the ADFs ethernet and build in webserver to build a time saving remote access solution. For example via a VPN tunnel or a 3G/4G router you can access the ADFs web user interface. With such a setup it is possible to control the system remotely, monitor the status and even debug/troubleshoot an ADF.
The trend log and TFR download enables you to dive deep into a problem without being on site. This reduces the support cost and traveling time. It also allows you to get a quick overview of many systems from a central location.
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Automated Diagnostics
The ADF performs a self-test during startup, providing human-readable error and information messages. Problems in the installation can be quickly and directly detected by the ADF. This makes the commissioning process fast, simple, safe and gives immediate results.
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Resonance Detection
The ADF Dashboard offers the possibilities to activate resonance detection. The ADF will automatically shut down individual harmonics when a resonance occurs, for example, if the resonance limit is set to 8%, the ADF will disable any harmonic with more than 8% voltage distortion - other harmonics keep running. This means, if a resonance occurs in the grid during operation, the ADF will not make it worse. When the ADF detects that the resonance is gone, compensation will automatically resume. Thus, this functionality helps protect the facility.
Log Functionality
ADF P100 and ADF P300 series of products include a transient fault recorder (TFR) and a trend log. With these, systems can be troubleshooted remotely, and problems can be detected not only in the ADF but also in the installation. The data is stored on a SD-card and can be obtained over the network. In the TFR, we can see waveforms, system state, control state, and ambient data. In the trend, we can se how the system has been performing over very long periods of time. These proprietary features help us give our customers the best possible support.